Monday, November 09, 2009
America, prima intalnire
America la prima noastra intalnire m-a fascinat. s-a prezentat extrem de bine. asteptarile mele erau extrem de mari si nu cred ca a vrut sa ma dezamageasca. am fost, timp de 14 zile aproape, ca turistul cel nesuferit care se entuziasmeaza la orice vede; constant ziceam "wow. wow. wow" cu riscul de a deveni enervanta pentru cei din jur dar nici ca mi-a pasat!
am inceput frumosul periplu la Princeton unde am fost la o conferinta despre insemnatatea anului 1989 din perspectiva globala (desi cu o pronuntata prezenta poloneza, in frunte cu Adam Michnik, extrem de volubil si de..simpatic). Princeton, orasel universitar este fermecator. Acolo toamna parea cea mai dulce, imaginile de mai sus spun totul. Pot sa adaug ca erau veverite peste tot ceea ce facea totul si mai de poveste. Campusul parea locul perfect pentru studiu. Totul iti era asigurat cu singura conditie sa iti vezi de treaba si adevarul este ca nu prea am dificultati in a ma imagina studiind acolo pentru o perioada...
Conferinta a fost extrem de interesanta mai ales ca, persoanele alese pentru a comenta prezentarile au facut la randul lor "lectures" acordand o atentie deosebita lucrarilor (pe care eu n-am mai vazut-o la nicio alta conferinta la care am participat), apoi pentru ca participantii erau printre cei mai cunoscuti istorici ai Europei comuniste si post-comuniste...
In primele dimineti ziua a inceput cu breakfast la un bar/local. Prima experienta a fost dezastruoasa dar eu tot nu mi-am sters zambetul de pe buze. am mancat cele mai horor clatite a l'americaine (motiv pentru care zilele urmatoare nici nu am mai riscat sa comand in alta parte:) si am baut cea mai proasta cafea, motiv pentru care am privilegiat apoi Starbucks ce are statut de quasi-religie (e o cafenea la aproape fiecare colt de strada iar americanul pare sa aiba drept accesorii esentiale: i-Phone intr-o mana si paharul de carton in cealalta). Zilele au continuat cu prezentari presarate de discutii care mai de care mai interesante si s-au sfarsit cu cina tot in colectiv ori la Prospect house, ori la Wilson Center. Am cunoscut acolo si un cercetator roman care preda economie politica si lucreaza pe politicile FMI (si in AL), mi-a dat de altfel si ultima sa carte ce include Ro si e pe birou, ma asteapta.
Am facut de altfel greseala de a intra in libraria din Princeton. Nu e decat una, pe strada principala dar e "maricica" si are cam tot ce ai nevoie/ Regret si acum 3 carti la care am renuntat, preferand vreo alte 6..Am gasit niste carti excelente despre subeictul meu aplicat la Iugoslavia si Argentina, plus o carte despre gestionarea memoriei in Chile. ma asteapta si ele.
Duminica am ramas in Princeton (conferinta luand sfarsit sambata) si am avut ocazia sa vad oraselul prinzand viata. In timpul saptamanii nu prea am iesit ziua in oras, fiind pana seara la conferinta. Duminica parea ca toti cetatenii erau pe strada principala din Princeton, era si un soare genial ce-i drept. M-am plimbat pana am simtit ca ma lasa picioarele si am vazut, trecand de centrul foarte mic cateva strazi cu case frumoase (parca scoase dintr-un film) dar in care nu parea sa fie picior de om. Majoritatea aveau usile la garaj deschise si uneori si usa de la casa. Mi s-a accentuat sentimentul de "loc in care pare ca nu ti se poate intampla nimic". Pietoni nu prea erau daca paraseai "centrul" dar erau masini destul de multe; distantele chiar sunt altele in America totul fiind cu mult mai da uneori nu mai era trotuar :))
Luni dimineata am plecat voios spre New York, orasul pe care imi doream de atata timp sa-l vad. Il zarisem deja in drum spre Princeton (ne-au luat de la aeroport si a fost cam lung drumul, in jur de 2 ore). Cu trenul, care m-a lasat la Penn Station am facut mai putin de 2 ore. Ce am vazut pe geam (adica New Jersey) nu prea m-a impresionat..asa ca am sa continui direct cu povestea NY
Prima zi de plimbare m-a dus in Times Square unde am intrebat un politist cum sa ajung in TS la care el mi-a zis "this is it!" tare, dar chiar aveam alta preimagine continuat glorios pana am ajuns la Central Park, moment de prelungite wow-wow-wow caci locul este extrem de frumos. CP ocupa cam o patrime din insula Manhattan si adevarul e ca e ca o oaza in nebunia de betonsticlasiotel
Am stat cred ca cel putin o ora pe o banca pe aleea celebrissima pe care o cunosteam deja din atatea filme. Adevarul este ca New Yorkul ti se pare familiar daca ai crescut cu o educatie filmica made in Hollywood
to be continued...
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The general difficulties of women's and men's fashion
Both women and men can have the pressures of keeping their clothing up-to-date and in season, yet men's fashion frequently feels a lot easier. Of course, for both sexes, clothes and style options can be equally as elaborate, and there are numerous'stylish'items that can rapidly become fashion faux pas - who is able to say they often see people walking around in 70s flames? On the other side, men's style includes a few choice items which will exist forever - which man is going to keep an eye out of place with a good-quality, tailored suit, for example? Pick classic pieces, colors and fabrics and you'll never look out-of-place.
Why common men's style is timeless
The classic man's suit has hardly changed for over a hundred years. True, there are several varieties for various situations, nevertheless they are all common in their quest for a clever, sharp try to find the person. The great thing about common fashion for men is that it is effortlessly elegant efficiently cool. A well-groomed man can more often than not appear his sharpest in a well-tailored suit, and this can be a testament to the style of such apparel. A suit will be utilized to work in many careers due to the professional search it offers to the individual, instilling a feeling of respect and trust. Equally a suit will undoubtedly be utilized to many social functions, like a tuxedo to a black-tie affair. This amazing versatility that allows matches to be worn in just about all events is what gives it its classic side and a permanent invest men's fashion.
Modern trends in classic men's style
Although classic men's styles can never be changed, it's interesting to note that changes in men's fashion trends have produced particular basic garments back to fashion. The recognition of vintage clothing, especially, has taken back a wide-variety of common types into men's wardrobes, such as that of the dandy guy. 'Dandy'is a term used to refer to men who dress in a classic yet lavish way, operating in a sophisticated method and placing value on appearance. This trend for almost'over-the-top'common style for men is apparent from events like the'Tweed Run', where men and women of all ages dress in significantly Victorian-style clothing and take to the roads on vintage bicycles - with lots of the men sporting remarkable mustaches! This is just one of many types of research showing the revival of such variations. Additionally, there are numerous blogs on line which concentrate on gentlemanly style - such as'The Dandy Project'and'Dandyism'- as well as complete websites such as'The Art of Manliness'dedicated to providing articles on basic men's fashion and grooming.
In summary, whilst certain issues with common men's fashion may be cut back as new styles, the fundamental garments that they derive from will never slip out of fashion.
"All it will take certainly are a few basic outfits. And there's one secret - the simpler the better." - Cary Grant
StyleGun is an online men's fashion shop with a specialized perspective.
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